From day one he returned my phone calls and answered all my questions promptly. He conducted an initial assessment and then put a clear plan of action in place.
– Employment Client

Current Cases

Charging Party v. Telecom

Plaintiff is an African American female who while employed as a Sales Associate at Silver Spring was subject to harassment and discrimination because of her sex. She was also discriminated because of her disability. The case is still pending investigation by the EEOC.

Charging Party v. Health Corp.

Plaintiff was terminated hours after she informed her employer that she had a terminal illness.  A charge was filed for discrimination as under the American Disabilities Act. The case is still pending investigation by the EEOC. If no resolution is reached within the 180 days investigatory period, an action will be filed in Court.

Ali v. BC Architects. Case No. 18-cv-1385

Ali an Arab female was subject to retaliation after complaining about work placed discrimination. The case is presently on appeal for the fourth time at the U.S. Fourth Circuit.

Glass v. Del Tom. 21-cv-2334

The Plaintiff, a contractor, was wrongly terminated from his construction contract by Del Tom. An action for unpaid wages and race discrimination under Section 1981 was filed in Federal Court in the District of Columbia.

Chien v. U.S. State Department. Case No. 16-2021

Plaintiff an Assistant Regional Security Officer at US Embassies was subject to discrimination and retaliation while employed by the State Department. In March 2022, the case went to trial, and the jury awarded $650,000 in damages to Chien for violations of Title VII.

Felk v. GTV. Case No. 2021 CA 1901 B; Felk v. CTV. Case No. 2021CA0036

Plaintiff was defamed when they claimed that Falk was part of the January 6, 2021, rioters in Washington DC. Falk was in Atlanta on this day. Both media defendants filed a SLAPP Motion seeking dismissal of the case. Both motions were denied by the Court. The case is presently on appeal.

Sandler v. U.S. State Department. Case No. 21-cv-2226

Sandler a former diplomat at the State Department was subject to disability discrimination, age and sex harassment, along with retaliation. An action for violations of the Rehabilitation Act, Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was filed in Federal Court in the District of Columbia.





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