AJ is focused, brilliant (knows the law from A-Z), and practical. He does not back down in negotiations and will defend a case he believes in to the full extent of his ability.
– Virginia, Lawsuits & Disputes Client

Employment Contracts & Severance Agreements

Since most employees are “employees at will,” employment contract disputes generally arise under the terms of the initial offer or the termination or severance letter, such as a clause governing confidentiality, privacy, trade secrets or a non-compete provision.

Sometimes, the terms of an employer-employee handbook governing wages, paid time off, and work benefits and discipline can also bind an employer to the promises contained in the handbook. In such cases, some courts have held that the terms of an employment handbook can be interpreted as an employment contract between the employer and the employee, governing the terms of the employment. 

Some senior management positions, such as a Chief Executive Officer or Director, may have a specific employment contract outlining terms of service, compensation and stock or dividend payment.

If you are seeking legal advice about the terms of employment under an employment contract or employer handbook, or the terms of an offer letter or severance agreement, please contact our office to schedule an appointment to discuss your case.

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